Founder Chancellor’s Message

Dr. A. C. Shanmugam,
B.A., L.L.B, FIMSA, FRCPS (Glasgow, UK)
Former M.L.A & M.P
Founder Chancellor
Law Schools do owe a duty to impart education to its students with which they are now competent, confident and ready to take effectively any challenge of legal practice in the 21st Century and equally committed to the society with compassion and humility. Law is one of the great intellectual professions which demand unique education and guidance beyond four walls of class room. It is a Law School and a teacher who contribute great judges, eminent Lawyers, and able leaders in different fields. Faculty of Law of DRMGRDU is one of the leading Law Schools in India duly recognized by BCI which was started with commitment. Faculty of Law of DRMGRDU being a top ranking multi stream university has a vision to impart quality education which makes the products of Law school to stand par excellence. The Faculty of Law offers Undergraduate programmes in law as per the guidelines of the Bar Council of India and the University Grants Commission. The university has devised a pragmatic curriculum which is beneficial for the students to take up practice after the completion of the degree recognized by Bar Council of India Strong curriculum and pedagogy have been framed keeping in view the contemporary standard and expectations. Placement and internship are adequately facilitated. The alumni have made their Law School proud by occupying coveted positions in different fields. A team of committed and qualified teachers are training the students to excel in academics. The Law School has a rich legacy. The Law School conducts national level Moot Court competitions where the students from different parts of country take part. Industry – academia interface is the part of pedagogy. Today’s lawyer is supposed to have exposure on different disciplines like science and technology and medicine including literature. Being a multidiscipline university, law students do have scope to have exposure on other streams of learning. The multicultural atmosphere of the campus provides a great opportunity to the students to know different cultures as the students from different parts of India and the world are studying here. Care is taken to shape the overall personality of the students with a special importance to character building apart from professional competence. Students do get opportunities to interact with great achievers like, Judges, advocates, civil servants and other public personalities throughout the academic session. As an institution we equip, expose, empower and enlighten the students to take up the challenges with confidence and commitment. The programmes offered at the Faculty of Law comprises of internships, case review, moot court, drafting & conveyancing and writing orders. In order to promote interaction between students and legal professionals, seminars, guest lectures and workshops are conducted on various subjects of law at regular intervals. In addition to the mandatory courses the program also comprises of value-added courses for the benefit of students.
- To strengthen the Bar and the Bench by imparting quality legal education and inculcating professional ethics of very high standards in keeping with the traditions of our state being the home for a galaxy of legal luminaries.
- To facilitate advanced legal studies and research by creating and maintaining adequate infrastructure in terms of competent and committed faculty and fully equipped libraries with all the modern facilities.
- To keep pace with the ever changing needs and the new challenges of legal education and also legal profession by introducing innovative methods of teaching and organizing seminars, symposia and workshops so as to enable the faculty and the students to update themselves.
- To concentrate more on research in the grey areas resulting in valuable contributions to the development of law and also concrete suggestions and recommendations to policy makers.
- To develop the skills of advocacy by motivating the students to evince more interest in Moot Court and other co- curricular activities.
- To mould the budding lawyers in to socially relevant and responsible citizens by coordinating the extra- curricular activities such as Sports and Games, National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Youth Red Cross, Free Legal Aid, Legal literacy Mission and the like.